About Us
Peter Begley
Peter Begley is an award-winning art director who grew up in New York City. While creating television commercials and print ads, he spent his spare time working on TV treatments, comic strips, and screenplays. One of those comic strip ideas became a children’s book.
It never dawned on him to write and illustrate a children’s picture book. But a children’s book was what this idea was best suited for. The Finger Prince was born. So, does that finally make him a daddy?
It never dawned on him to write and illustrate a children’s picture book. But a children’s book was what this idea was best suited for. The Finger Prince was born. So, does that finally make him a daddy?
Misha Jesby
Misha Jesby is a wife and mother who lives in Connecticut. While working in sales in the financial industry, she met Peter. They quickly became best friends and share a vision for a happier, healthier future for children. The rest may just make children’s book history.